Air Asia Online flight ticket booking tips

If you would like to travel by plane using , many airline choices to choose from . One of the alternative options that offer cheap rates is to use the transportation service with Air Asia .

Here are some tips that you need to consider before making a booking airline tickets Air Asia :

1 . Planning a Trip

Well planned departure date , the number of members who will be departing and destination of your flight far in advance. Sstidaknya 3 months prior to your departure plans , as this will affect the availability of seats and ticket prices . " The earlier , the better , cheaper .. " [ * See here : ]

2 . registration

Fill out the form GUEST & CONTACT completely and clearly . Next input the User ID and Password of your choice .

3 . Specifies the number of passengers

Before entering passenger data ( Guest1 , Guest2 , Guest3 ff . ) The number of members ( passengers ) who will go and prepare the necessary data such as Full Name | Date of Birth | Identity number / Passport .
* For children under age can use the " NIK " listed on the Family Card ( KK ) .

4 . Baggage and Consumption

Calculate how much your luggage , because it will be charged extra according to weight of luggage you are carrying . When you invite as well as children , should not have to choose an option or put their baggage , instead add into load / weight of your luggage . This is to allow you to not have to carry more luggage ( suitcases ) on your way .

When you need a snack on the way , you can select menu options available . Of course it will also incur additional costs in accordance diet you choose . ( If you order food on a plane when the price will be more expensive ) .

5 . election Seat

You may choose the position / location of the Seat as desired .
* Hot Seats : When you select a row Hot Seat ( colored red ) , will be charged an additional U.S. $ 75,000 per seat selected .
* Standard Seats : When you select a row of the Standard Seat ( white ) , will be charged an additional U.S. $ 15,000 per seat selected .

6 . Payment

You can choose to use some alternative payment : Credit Cards | E - Gift Voucher .

By the time you make a payment online consult the instructions that appear on the screen monitor . When the payment approval process takes place , it is recommended that you do not click any buttons such as Back , Refresh and others . Because it will cause the approval process is interrupted and you will repeat the process from the initial booking .

7 . Once the payment process is completed

* Please contact customer service with Air Asia to ensure the transaction you just know they do online . Make sure the phone number / email on hp and customer service representative that if something like delay or cancel them you will be notified immediately .

* Please contact the bank or credit card issuer regarding this transaction and make sure the debit amount in accordance with the number of transactions that you did earlier .

8 . booking Details

* Check your email , if you 've got the information " Booking Details" . Usually Booking Details form or sheet is sent as a PDF file .

* Write down or print , and save well the sheets Booking Details . The sheet form is valid as a ticket when you will check in at the airport .

Booking Details * If you are lost ... do not worry , just go with Air Asia ticket counter showing your booking code and data . Because when it is listed on their list , you will not miss flying ..


  1. Useful tips on online flight booking. Various websites offer cheap air tickets on recent days to lure more customers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the tips. I am from South Africa and always use to book my air tickets from online agency. online flight bookings South Africa is the best option for fining affordable air tickets.

  4. I could get an upgrade to business class or even first class, cheap flights to islamabad

  5. Refresh and others . Because it will cause the approval process is interrupted and you will repeat the process from the initial booking . cheap flights to islamabad


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