Rent a speedboat in Raja Ampat ,Indonesia

Travelling in Raja Ampat , West Papua Province , should be set aside no less. Especially if you want to dive to enjoy the underwater beauty of this area .
Because to use speadboat capacity of 20 people , rent a day to Rp 20 million . That does not include the cost of the dive . Because they have to rent scuba gear if you want to dive .
" The cost of sea transport in Raja Ampat was expensive . Due fuel too expensive , " said Saka ( 40 ) , Saturday ( 23/11/2013 ) .
Saka is an employee of Culture and Tourism of Raja Ampat . He was once the captain who drove the group speadboat Family Trip Garuda Indonesia to visit a number of islands that are often visited by tourists in Raja Ampat , morning to afternoon .
Family Trip Garuda entourage consists of GIA Eastern Area Vice President Of Indonesia , Rosyinah Manaf . Others are a travel entrepreneurs and journalists from several major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta , Bandung , Surabaya , Denpasar , and Makassar
According to Saka , for a day trip dikemudinya speadboat which must be provided five drums of gasoline . The price of a drum of petrol in Raja Ampat at $ 2.5 million .
"So if five drums , the price is USD 12.5 million . Yet again pay crew wages . So the price of USD 20 million , it is reasonable here , " said STM graduates this Sorong .
He added , capital investment dikemudinya speadboat which was not cheap . Speadboat capacity of 20 people purchased for over $ 1 billion.
" This is an artificial Marathon Speadboat produced in Tangerang , " said the man born in Biak .


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